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NOW LEASING FOR FALL 2019! CALL US TODAY! 850.765.1103 | Tips on saving money this winter!

Happy Holidays Forum Fam,

We have now reached the cold months here in Florida and that means we will be utilizing our heater and consuming more electricity than normal. Luckily, the Forum has got you covered on ways to save money on your electricity bill –

  1. The Sun – The sun is nature’s free heater. Try minimizing your heater usage to the nighttime hours and during the day, opening your blinds which allows the sun to naturally heat your apartment.
  2. Keep your vents open – Though it might seem rather obvious, your vent might have been previously closed and you haven’t even noticed! After opening them, the A/C will no longer struggle reaching your preferred temperature.
  3. Using a power strip for your appliances and electronics – Appliance and electronic energy accounts for about 17% of your electricity bill. Knowing this, it would be ultra-annoying having to manually unplug all of our appliances and electronics daily. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Instead, you can connect all of your appliances and electronics to a power strip and turn of the power strip when needed.
  4. Use LED lights – Use LED lights when decorating your apartment for the holidays. LED lights use 75% less energy and last 25% more than regular lights.
  5. Accessories – Instead of constantly fighting with the temperature, you might want to use accessories that will keep you warm. Sweaters, fuzzy socks, and blankets will all keep you warm. Also, a rug in your apartment will insulate the floor making it warmer.

This month is where we’re buying holiday gifts. College students struggle enough as it is!! Keep these tips in mind so we can all struggle a little less.